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Knoll Designer Bios

Wolf Bauer

Germany, b. 1939

A graduate of the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste in his hometown of Stuttgart, Germany, Wolf Bauer’s fame began with accolades for his domestic freelance work. Recognized for the boldness he brought to an often tame industry, Bauer’s reputation continued to grow as his works were frequently and increasingly awarded and exhibited worldwide.

Barbara Rhodes, the director of Knoll textile design development outside the United States, brought Bauer to Knoll In 1968, and he introduced his first print program in 1969. A departure from Knoll’s typical offerings, the collection featured abstractions of natural forms silkscreened on pieces of 47-inch-wide cotton velvet. This collection represented some of the first organically-themed options to be included in the Knoll textiles catalog.